Athletics Scotland

National sport & physical activity survey

Earlier this year scottishathletics published there second wider impact report showing the physical health and wellbeing benefits of people taking part in athletics in Scotland. The report can be viewed at the on this pdf: These reports are now a critical part of being able to evidence the impact Read more…

Santa Claus riding on sleigh

Festive Hours

Please check with individual coaches for training times over the festive period For you information the On-X Opening Hours are: Date Hours 23-Dec As normal 24-Dec 8am-4pm 25-Dec Closed 26-Dec Closed 27-Dec 10am-5pm 28-Dec 8am – 4pm (pool access 9am) 29-Dec 8am – 4pm (pool access 9am) 30-Dec 10am-5pm 31-Dec Read more…

Sports Massage

Lesley McKerral has kindly volunteered her services as a newly qualified Sport Massage Therapist and will be offering Sports Massage and advice to club athletes in the portable cabin at the track on Thursday 21st November 2019 from 7pm If anyone would like to take advantage of this offer please Read more…

National Cross Country Relay Championships

The National Cross Country Relays were held at Cumbernauld on Saturday 26 October.  It was a beautiful autumn day but freezing cold!

In a repeat of last year’s result there was Silver medal success for our Senior men’s team which this year was represented by Cameron Wright, Andrew MacAngus, Callum Hawkins and Connor MacLean. Spectators and athletes were delighted to see Callum wearing his club vest and racing so soon after his superb fourth place in the World Championship Marathon in Doha. (more…)