Renfrewshire Sports Awards 2017

Renfrewshire Sports Awards 2017. 🏆Congratulations to Arthur Smith on winning Dedication to Sport Award & Community Coach of the year. With John Rodger also picking up Event Volunteer of the year.  Fully deserved for both who have delivered a huge amount to the club for many years.

Proposed New Constitution



Club Name: Kilbarchan Amateur Athletic Club

Special Resolution – Kilbarchan AAC [herein after referred to as the Club] to change its legal structure from an Unincorporated Charity to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and to adopt a new constitution appropriate for this structure.

Kilbarchan_AAC_Draft SCIO_Constitution_V1_2017

Dear Member,

As per the requirements of the constitution of the Club clause 10, ‘Alterations to the Constitution’, the club’s committee at their meeting on 11 September, 2017 agreed to put the above special resolution to the members at the Annual General Meeting at Johnstone Town Hall on 25 October, 2017 at 7.30pm. (more…)

Press Release, Tues 25 Jul 2017

Jemma Reekie continued her remarkable season at theEuropean under 20s Championships in Grosetto, Italy at the weekend. Jemma, from Beith and a member of Kilbarchan Athletic Club, had earned GB selection bywinning the 1500metres and the 3000m under 20 titles at the UK trials at Bedford last month and she Read more…

Celtic games selections 

Congratulations to Kirsty Costello and David McNair who has been selected to compete for Scotland at the Celtic Games on Saturday 5August 2017, Morton Stadium, Santry, Dublin.Kirsty in the U18 women Hammer and David in the U16 Men 800m.