Child Safeguarding Policy & Procedures
Kilbarchan AAC acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. It recognises the responsibility to ensure that safeguarding practice is guided by best practice and the requirements of Scottish Athletics. These policies can be accessed on the following links:
This policy aims to ensure that all children have a positive and enjoyable experience of sport in a safe environment, where the welfare of children is the primary concern. All children, regardless of age, gender, culture, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic status or sexual orientation have the right to protection from abuse of all forms.
Kilbarchan AAC will:
- Promote the safety, health and welfare of children and young people
- Recognise the rights, wishes and feelings of children
- Promote, train and support all members of the club and volunteers to adopt best practice to safeguard and protect children from abuse. This includes providing appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect or any safeguarding issues.
- Require all members and volunteers to adopt and abide by this Child Protection Policy.
- Respond appropriately to any allegation of misconduct or abuse of children, ensuring confidential and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
- Provide support to any individual who raises a concern.
- Additionally, we recognise that bullying can be physical or verbal and emphasise that any signs of bullying by any individual or group will be taken very seriously and fully investigated.
Any concerns or complaints should be discussed with the club Welfare Officer.