Track rules and etiquette

It is the club members/coaches and athletes responsibility when arriving at the track area to OBSERVE what other track users are doing. DISCUSS with them their usage and CO-OPERATE with them to ensure agreed usage before commencing the session.

The track is for the benefit of all club members/coaches and athletes and it is expected that they will observe these guidelines to ensure that the track is maintained and enjoyed by everyone.

  1. Don’t use headphones or mobile phones on the track or infield. This is potentially dangerous and may stop you from hearing other track users.
  2. Be polite and respectful to other athletes and coaches.
  3. Eating and drinking is not permitted within the track area (outdoor track or indoor centre) with the exception of bottled water which must be retained within a sealed plastic container.
  4. Please do not leave your litter for others to clear up.
  5. Do not spit or clear your nose whilst using the track.
  6. Large training groups should split into smaller groups so they do not take up large areas of the track where other users may wish to train.
  7. Always run in an anti-clockwise direction. Some training sessions contain back to back sprint elements; this will be the responsibility of the coach to control.
  8. If the track is not busy, it is usually acceptable to do warm-up drills in the outside lanes. Often this
  9. means you will be running back and forth on the straights. When in doubt, do your drills on the infield provided it is safe to do so. Warm up and cool down laps should be in a clockwise direction.
  10. When walking round the track always use the outer lanes and always look both ways before crossing the track. If you move into the path of an oncoming athletes they will shout, on hearing the shout “track” you should move to the outer lanes if safe to do so.
  11. No athlete has precedence over another when using the track regardless of their ability. If a faster athlete wishes to pass a slower athlete then the faster athlete should overtake on the outside. The slower athlete will be expected to maintain their lane and allow the faster runner to pass.
  12. Coaches must ensure that when using the throws cage for Discus and Hammer Throwing, the nets must remain closed and only the throwing athlete is permitted within the enclosed area of the throw.
  13. Coaches and athletes are responsible for ensuring that any equipment used is returned to the correct storage location.
  14. Young athletes should be supervised at all times (under 16).
  15. The above rule apply to both training groups and individual club member.

Rules applying to individual club member. 

  1. Club members are allowed to access the track during Kilbarchan AAC allocated times as per the clubs agreement with One Ren (Monday to Friday 11am – 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 3pm).
  2. Individual club members are allowed to access the outdoor track during group training sessions however group training should take priority during these times and these should not be disrupted by individual member’s use of the track or equipment.
  3. Individual member are not allowed to use the outdoor track during Trackstars session due to safety and welfare reason (Mon and Wednesday 7 – 8.30pm).
  4. Individual members are not allowed to use the indoor training centre during the main club training session (Tuesday and Thursday 6 – 8.30pm) or during Trackstars training session (Monday and Wednesday 7 – 8.30pm) as this is used for group training sessions.
  5. Individual member can book the indoor training centre for use out with the above restricted times by contacting the club development officer (
  6. Individual member using the indoor training facility must adhere to its booking policy/user policy.